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I’m a Software Engineer with a background in Electrical Engineering. I work on performance optimization for analog circuit simulation. I’m interested in the low-level sphere and I like learning from first principles.

Fun facts: I lived in a bunch of different places (UK, US, Switzerland, Italy, Mexico). Before engineering ate up my life, I was working towards becoming a polyglot and spent my free time learning (natural) languages.


Shout out to Contrast Rebellion for their color scheme and to KaTeX for the static rendering of mathematical formulas. This website is built with Jekyll


Inspired by nownownow.com. You can also find this page at /now.

At the moment, I’m working on 2 things:

  1. I’m writing a minimal Markdown to HTML converter from scratch in Rust. The long-term project is to build a static site generator without external dependencies. I’m starting with the Markdown part for now.

  2. I’m reading Numerical Linear Algebra by Trefethen and Bau and working through the exercises. I hope to write some interesting articles once I’m done.

Last update: 2023-04-13