A simple problem in Haskell, using monads (Part 3/3)


This article is the last of a 3-part series. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how to solve the Nucleotide Count problem in Haskell and came up with this.

module DNA (nucleotideCounts, Nucleotide(..)) where

import Data.Map (Map, fromList, adjust)

data Nucleotide = A | C | G | T deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

char2nuc :: Char -> Either Char Nucleotide
char2nuc 'A' = Right A
char2nuc 'C' = Right C
char2nuc 'G' = Right G
char2nuc 'T' = Right T
char2nuc x = Left x

count :: [Nucleotide] -> Map Nucleotide Int
count = foldr (adjust succ) basemap
    where basemap = fromList [(A, 0), (C, 0), (G, 0), (T, 0)]

nucleotideCounts :: String -> Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int)
nucleotideCounts s = count <$> mapM char2nuc s

Now we’ll try to solve the same problem in Rust and C++. As you might guess, the crux of the problem will be to reproduce the behavior of Haskell’s Either a b data type.


Let’s start with Rust, which provides us with the handy Result type. This is essentially the same as Haskell’s Either a b: the only difference is that the type constructors are called Ok and Err, instead of Right and Left.

As a disclaimer, I must say I’m not very experienced with Rust yet, so there are probably much better ways to solve this problem.

use std::collections::HashMap;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Nucleotide { A, C, G, T }

fn char2nuc(c: char) -> Result<Nucleotide, char> {
    match c {
        'A' => Ok(Nucleotide::A),
        'C' => Ok(Nucleotide::C),
        'G' => Ok(Nucleotide::G),
        'T' => Ok(Nucleotide::T),
        _ => Err(c)

// combine count and nucleotideCounts from Haskell code
pub fn count(dna : &str) -> Result<HashMap<Nucleotide, i32>, char> {
    use Nucleotide::*;

    let mut counts = HashMap::new();
    counts.insert(A, 0);
    counts.insert(C, 0);
    counts.insert(G, 0);
    counts.insert(T, 0);

    for c in dna.chars() {
        match char2nuc(c) {
            Ok(n) => { counts.entry(n).and_modify(|e| { *e += 1 }); },
            Err(n) => return Err(n)

    return Ok(counts);

So this code is very similar to the Haskell version, except that in the count function we can have early termination if we find an incorrect character. In the Haskell version, instead, we always traverse the full list, though you could achieve early termination by using strictness (more info here if you are interested).


Unlike Rust, C++ does not have sum types such as Either a b. We could solve the problem without them, but it’s much more interesting to try to create a sum type in C++, so here we go.

The closest thing we can use to create a sum type in C++ (besides unions, which are not type safe) is std::variant, from C++ 17. However, this still isn’t equivalent, because while we can have such a thing as an Either Char Char in Haskell, in C++ a std::variant<char, char> is not allowed: the types must be different.

Of course, in the Nucleotide Count problem, we actually do have different types, so we could write something like this.

#include <variant>
using std::variant;

enum Nucleotide { A, C, G, T };

using EitherCharNucleotide = variant<char, Nucleotide>;

But then, what if someday we need a std::variant<char, char>, what will we do? We could just create two dummy structs to wrap the different variants.

#include <variant>
using std::variant;

enum Nucleotide { A, C, G, T };

template<typename L>
struct Left {
    L val;

template<typename R>
struct Right {
    R val;

using EitherCharNucleotide = variant<Left<char>, Right<Nucleotide>>;

This works even if we use two variants of the same type! We can just create a std::variant<Left<char>, Right<char>>, for example. Let’s add some functionality by creating an actual Either object.

#include <variant>
using std::variant;

enum Nucleotide { A, C, G, T };

template<typename L>
struct Left {
    L val;

template<typename R>
struct Right {
    R val;

template<typename L, typename R>
class Either {
        Either(L left) : value(Left<L>{left}) {}
        Either(R right) : value(Right<R>{right}) {}
        bool right() const { return std::holds_alternative<Right<R>>(value); }

        // these will throw an exception if the wrong type is accessed
        const L& unwrap_left() const { return std::get<Left<L>>(value).val; }
        const R& unwrap_right() const { return std::get<Right<R>>(value).val; }
        variant<Left<L>, Right<R>> value;

This way, we can use, for example, Either<char, Nucleotide>, or even Either<char, char>.

The rest of the code is pretty straightforward.

#include <string_view>
#include <variant>
#include <map>

using std::variant;
using std::string_view;
using std::map;

enum Nucleotide { A, C, G, T };

template<typename L>
struct Left {
    L val;

template<typename R>
struct Right {
    R val;

template<typename L, typename R>
class Either {

        Either(L left) : value(Left<L>{left}) {}
        Either(R right) : value(Right<R>{right}) {}
        bool right() const { return std::holds_alternative<Right<R>>(value); }

        // these will throw an exception if the wrong type is accessed
        const L& unwrap_left() const { return std::get<Left<L>>(value).val; }
        const R& unwrap_right() const { return std::get<Right<R>>(value).val; }
        const variant<Left<L>, Right<R>> value;

Either<char, Nucleotide> char2nuc(char c) {
    switch (c) {
        case 'A':
            return A;
        case 'C':
            return C;
        case 'G':
            return G;
        case 'T':
            return T;
            // casts to Either because constructor is not marked explicit
            return c;

// combine count and nucleotideCounts from Haskell code
Either<char, map<Nucleotide, int>> count(string_view dna) {

    map<Nucleotide, int> counts { {A, 0}, {C, 0}, {G, 0}, {T, 0} };

    for (const char c : dna) {
        const Either<char, Nucleotide> n = char2nuc(c);
            counts[n.unwrap_right()] += 1;
        else {
            char res = n.unwrap_left();
            return res;

    return counts;

So, which of the 3 versions do you prefer? Personally, I think it would be great if C++ had sum types and pattern-matching like Rust and Haskell, but for now we’ll have to make do.