A simple problem in Haskell, using monads (Part 1/3)


I’ve been trying to learn Haskell recently, so after reading some intro material I set up an account on Exercism and signed up for the Haskell track to get some practice. One of the very first exercises in the track is called Nucleotide Count and, while it seems very simple at first glance, I found it useful to get an initial grasp of monads. I’ll describe the (slightly modified) exercise here and how to solve it in Haskell.

This article is the first of a 3-part series. It doesn’t assume much prior knowledge of Haskell (I’m very much a beginner at the moment), but it’s good to know the basics if you want to follow along (syntax, basic functions, etc…). You might also want to read up on functors, if you don’t know what they are, though it’s not really necessary.

In Part 1 of the series (this article), I’ll explain how to solve the “Nucleotide Count” problem using monads, then in Part 2 I’ll dive into the implementation of mapM and sequence and finally, in Part 3, I’ll try to solve this same problem imperatively in C++ and Rust, for comparison.

Problem Description

I don’t know much about Biology, unfortunately… but anyway DNA is made up for 4 molecules called “nucleotides”, whose symbols are A, C, G and T. You are given a string of these nucleotides (e.g. "ACCTTTGCTATC") and need to return a map with each nucleotide and the number of times it appears in the input string, so for example:

Output: {A:4, C:3, G:1, T:4}
Input: ""
Output: {A:0, C:0, G:0, T:0}

The keys in the map are their own type (Nucleotide), not Chars. Finally, if there are any invalid characters in the input string, you should return the first one.

Output: 'X'

Let’s frame this in terms of Haskell code. We’ll implement a function called nucleotideCounts. Since we’re returning either a character or a map, the return type will be Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int).

module DNA (nucleotideCounts, Nucleotide(..)) where

import Data.Map (Map)

data Nucleotide = A | C | G | T deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

nucleotideCounts :: String -> Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int)
nucleotideCounts s = -- TODO

First Attempt

This seems like a pretty simple problem, right? At first glance, it is, but for those like me who are new to functional programming, there are a few insidious details to tackle, as we’ll see. My first idea was to implement a function char2nuc, that takes takes a character and returns Either Char Nucleotide.

char2nuc :: Char -> Either Char Nucleotide
char2nuc 'A' = Right A
char2nuc 'C' = Right C
char2nuc 'G' = Right G
char2nuc 'T' = Right T
char2nuc x = Left x

The value constructor Right indicates a valid result, whereas Left means that the input character was not a valid nucleotide (e.g. char2nuc 'X' == Left 'X'). Now what do we get if we map char2nuc onto a String?

map char2nuc "ACTGTCAAAC"

What is the type of this expression? Let’s take a look.

If we specialize map with a = Char and b = Either Char Nucleotide, when we map char2nuc onto a string our result type is [b], or [Either Char Nucleotide].

Now what? How do you deal with a list of Either Char Nucleotide and reduce it to the Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int) that we need? You could use foldl and wrestle with types to get a working solution, but if you dive a little bit into monads there is a much simpler way.

The Magic of sequence and mapM

While trying to wrap my head around this problem, I came across the sequence function.

sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)

In our case, Traversable t is just a list, so we can simplify the definition like this.

sequence :: (Monad m) => [m a] -> m [a]

Get it now? sequence takes a list of monads, collects them and returns a monad of a list.

Ok but… what is a monad?

I’m not going to give a full-blown explanation of what monads are, but, very briefly, you can think of them as a kind of box or context containing some value of a specific type. For example, Maybe is a monad. Maybe a contains a value of type a, where Just a means that the value is present and Nothing means it’s absent. Let’s stick to that and keep it simple. (In addition, all monads must implement the >>=, >> and return functions, but that’s a story for another time).

So what happens if you apply the sequence function to a list of Maybe a? If you have GHCi installed, give it a try.

> sequence [Just 1, Just 2, Just 3]
Just [1, 2, 3]

> sequence [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2]

> sequence [Just 1, Nothing, Just 2, Nothing]

How does this happen? If we substitute Maybe Int for m a, the sequence function specializes to sequence :: [Maybe Int] -> Maybe [Int]. This means that the returned value is either Just [Int] or Nothing. Specifically, if all the members of the list are Just Int, the function will return a Just [Int]. If there is a single Nothing in the list, the returned value will be Nothing. This seemed like magic to me at first, but we’ll take a look at the implementation later on.

In the nucleotide problem, we’re not using Maybe a but Either a b. The good thing is that Either a is a monad. So what happens if we use, for example, Either Char Int in the sequence function? The type signature specializes to sequence :: [Either Char Int] -> Either Char [Int]. Let’s try this again in GHCi.

> sequence [Right 1, Right 2, Right 3]
Right [1, 2, 3]

> sequence [Right 1, Left 'A', Right 2, Left 'B']
Left 'A'

Once again, if there are any Left Chars in the list, the first one is returned. Do you see where this is going? In our nucleotide problem, after mapping the char2nuc function onto a String, we got a return type of [Either Char Nucleotide]. If we applied the sequence function to this, we would get Either Char [Nucleotide], that would give us either the first invalid character or a list of Nucleotides. Here’s a quick example.

> sequence [Right A, Right A, Right T, Right C, Right G]
Right [A, A, T, C, G]

> sequence [Right A, Right A, Left 'X', Right C, Left 'Y']
Left 'X'

So to recap, assume our input string is called dna. We first map char2nuc onto dna to obtain something of type [Either Char Nucleotide]. Then we apply sequence to this to obtain a value of type Either Char [Nucleotide]. Let’s call this result nucleotideList.

nucleotideList = sequence $ map char2nuc dna

Recall that we actually need something of type Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int), so we’re not done yet, but we’ll get there. Before that, it’s worth mentioning that there is an easier way to combine map and sequence, which is the mapM function.

mapM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)

Let’s specialize the types for our problem.

mapM :: (Char -> Either Char Nucleotide) -> [Char] -> Either Char [Nucleotide]

So mapM takes a function of type Char -> Either Char Nucleotide (like char2nuc) and a [Char] (or String), maps one onto the other and then essentially applies sequence to the result (the implementation is slightly different, but to the same effect). We can use this to simplify our transformation of the dna string above.

nucleotideList = mapM char2nuc dna

Final Touches

For the final step, we just need to find a way to convert our nucleotideList :: Either Char [Nucleotide] into something of type Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int). Let’s ignore the Either Char monad for a second and think of how to turn a [Nucleotide] into a Map Nucleotide Int. Let’s implement a function called count (sorry for the inexpressive name).

import Data.Map (Map, fromList, adjust)

count :: [Nucleotide] -> Map Nucleotide Int
count = foldr (adjust succ) basemap
    where basemap = fromList [(A, 0), (C, 0), (G, 0), (T, 0)]

succ here is the same as (+1) and adjust updates a given key in a map by applying succ to it (i.e. increasing the value by 1). So what happens here is that we start with basemap and, for every element of the input list of Nucleotides, we update basemap with adjust succ, which increases the value of that element in the map by 1.

Now all we need to do is apply the count function to the “content” of nucleotideList. This is pretty simple, we can use fmap (which is the same as <$>). Recall the type of fmap:

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Or, in our case, since Either a is also a Functor:

fmap :: ([Nucleotide] -> Map Nucleotide Int) -> Either Char [Nucleotide] ->
Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int)

So we could implement our top-level function nucleotideCounts like this.

nucleotideCounts :: String -> Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int)
nucleotideCounts s = count <$> nucleotideList 
	where nucleotideList = mapM char2nuc s

Here’s the full code (skipping the nucleotideList definition)

module DNA (nucleotideCounts, Nucleotide(..)) where

import Data.Map (Map, fromList, adjust)

data Nucleotide = A | C | G | T deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

char2nuc :: Char -> Either Char Nucleotide
char2nuc 'A' = Right A
char2nuc 'C' = Right C
char2nuc 'G' = Right G
char2nuc 'T' = Right T
char2nuc x = Left x

count :: [Nucleotide] -> Map Nucleotide Int
count = foldr (adjust succ) basemap
    where basemap = fromList [(A, 0), (C, 0), (G, 0), (T, 0)]

nucleotideCounts :: String -> Either Char (Map Nucleotide Int)
nucleotideCounts s = count <$> mapM char2nuc s

Now, you might be wondering: what happens if mapM char2nuc s returns a Left Char and we apply fmap count to that? count doesn’t expect a Char! Well, applying fmap (or <$>) to Left a is the same as applying fmap to Nothing: you get back what you started with. Try it out.

> fmap (*2) (Right 3)
Right 6

> fmap (*2) (Left 3)
Left 3

This might seem a bit like magic, but it’s really just the way that Either a implements fmap: the implementation is here (search for fmap).

As I mentioned in the beginning, this article is the first of a 3-part series. In Part 2, I’ll try to demystify the magic behind sequence and mapM and in Part 3 I’ll compare solutions to this problem in C++ and Rust.